This post is of a super good friend ... I am so lucky to have met Bettina. About a year and a half ago, we were at the big park near our house and Hailey started playing with the cutest little blonde boy. Gosh, he was such a cutie. We started talking to their parents and found out they had just moved from Denmark to Calgary only a couple days prior. And they live right around the corner from us! This meeting in the big park, thanks to Hailey choosing her buddies so wisely, has led to a wonderful friendship!
As soon as we had Reuben, they announced they were pregnant with a little brother or sister for their son. We can't wait to meet him and her soon -- hopefully this week!
I was having fun with some textures and just love how this turned out... doesn't she look super?

And I had to post one of Bettina 8 months pregnant and on her bike! Just so ... so Danish!!!!